I worry a lot. Most of the time the things i worry about are pointless and out of my control. My dad calls it the dang jack problem. He has some analogy about a man that breaks down at night and needs a jack but doesn't have one with him. He sees a house a little ways ahead so he starts walking to it to see if they have a jack. The whole way there he gets so worked up thinking that they wont let him use one or will be mad he woke them up. As he gets to the house he is so worried that when they answer the door he yells "Fine i didn't want to dang jack anyways!" I HATE when my dad starts telling me this story because i know he is trying to tell me to quite worrying about the stupid little things.
Coming to college i was worried about the little things. Roommates, classes, friends, and a whole lot more of other pointless little things. All these things are out of my control, and it does no good to stress about it. That is why i made my motto for this school year to choose each day to be happy. If all I'm worrying about is being happy, the other things will fall into place. Two of my most favorite quotes are about being happy.
"If you're doing what's right, you're happy."
-Grandpa Bill
"In all living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."
-President Hinckley
I figure if two of my biggest role models in my life say to be happy, I better listen. I put these quotes in random places, my buletin board in my room, the dry erase board in my bathroom, slips of papers in my scriptures, just random spots i look every day. They remind me to be happy, to stop worrying about the things i can't control.
So i have decided that...
Today I Choose to Be Happy
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