
The Neighbors

We have gone an entire semester without talking to the neighbors once. We did start a newspaper war but that is the most contact we have ever had with them. The first day Riki shows up, she is instantly best friends with the neighbors and we have new best friends to do everything with. We had game night almost every night which was a blast, and the wacky 6 cards i got for Christmas just might about be all worn out by now. A couple of the neighbors (Trevor and Braden) asked Brin and i on a date which ended up being one of the funnest dates i have ever been on. We went to dinner at Firehouse (my favorite place to eat in the whole wide world) and then drove around Logan taking very random pictures at very random places.

Our first stop was a hotel that we had to go inside and ride up and down the elevators. I was so embarrassed and almost didn't get out of the car by my date made me!

Whoever else gets the grand idea to try and take a jumping picture in an elevator, take my advice, it wont work, trust me. I don't know what happened by i ended up jumping and hitting my head on the top of the elevator. Not so smooth but defiantly some funny pictures.

There was an employees only door and Trev thought it would be funny to try and shove me in it. Luckily i got down before he shoved me in there or i would have been real embarrassed.

The four of us, aren't we such gems.

Brins date Braden can be a bit much sometimes, but ya gotta love him.

Next we went to an old antique shop and took pictures on their random chairs and stuff that was sitting outside of the shop.

On campus there are so many statues in very random places so we headed up to the school to find some sweet places to take pictures. (I also had to go the bathroom very badly and they were sick of me doing the "i got to pee" dance so we found a bathroom up on school too).

The A!!

We stopped to take a picture on these crazy red things and a cop pulled over. We thought we were going to get in trouble for being on campus on the statues but he just wanted to get in the pictures with us.

I'm a true Merlin Olsen Aggie!!!!
(Ya i just kissed that statue!!)

The night would not be complete without a sick jumping picture or too.

The French Fries

Chillin with some kids. 

The Bull

Us with a completely random stranger!! What a sport.

Yep were gems. 

To end the night we made a fort and watched a movie in it. We also had a pillow fight.

What a great date. 

I'm Back!!!

Can I just start by saying how much i missed this cute girl!!! Christmas Break was entirely too long to go without seeing her cute face every day!!

But getting back into the swing of things has been sooo nice! I missed all my friends i have made up here and doing all the crazy things we do! Riki (brins friend from back home) came the first week back to stay with us. Brin has class all day long so spread out like i did last semester so she isn't home very much. That left Riki and i home alone alot. We ended up watching Tarzan one day, playing a game of Phase 10 which is actually quite hard when you only have two players to be honest and getting to know each other better. I just love Rikikikikiii, as i call her and was glad to spend lots of time with her.

Of course before she left we had to take some nasty pictures! Here are just a few of my favorites.

We brought Riki home because Brin's dad needed some help at a banquet he was hosting called Ducks Unlimited. Yea thats right Brin and i helped at a hunting thing. It defiantly wasn't my cup of tea but i had so much fun with Brin and her family. Bruce even gave us a few (ok more like 700) tickets that we got to put into the raffle and lets just say we won about everything there was to win at the women's table. We were honestly just going after the scentsy to make our apartment smell good but we ended up with some pretty sick camo hats, some pepper spray, and lets not forget about our lovely sweaters we got for helping out!!

This semester has had a lot of firsts for Brin. She has never been ice skating before and wanted to cross it off the bucket list so of course we had to join in on all the fun. Not going to lie Brin was even better than i was and i had gone before. Im not a pro skater but i have lots of fun going. Even all the bruises that come from it don't discourage me from going!!

We ended up going a second time since Ky had to work and we wanted her and Braden to get a chance to go ice skating with us. It was Kys first time and ya she was pro. Me, ha still not so great but it was a blast. Brin and Carter, Adam and I, and Ky and Braden all went. We tried playing tag which i was not so good at but it was fun.

We might have a slight obsession with watching the hockey team. They kill every team they play and get in millions of fights which is by far my favorite part of the game. Even their horrible smell can't keep me away!! I love hockey!!

Another thing Brin had never done was go tanning. At the start of school they hand out tons of coupons and we got one for a free time tanning. Brin came with us and almost had a panic attack but we all survived. All of us ended up with slightly burned bottoms but oh well it was worth it. Brin drew us a picture to put in our bathroom of our toasty bottoms. She's a gem!!

I lucked out with having the best roommates in the world. These girls are my best friends and i would be completely lost without them! No one will ever replace my fabulous roommates!!