

Ridge is adorable! He calls and tells me how much he misses me and he even mailed me a package of all my favorite things because he missed me so much. (Ok mom mailed it and paid for it, but he did pick out all the stuff to put in it. its the thought that counts i guess) I decided that i would surprise him in Pocatello to watch him play soccer since he was missing me so much. 

First of all, getting up on a Saturday at 6:00 is super early and incredible hard for a college student that has bad sleeping habits (ME) but i did it and was on the road at 7:00! I figured Pocatello was just a little over an hour, and boy was i wrong. I made it there in about two hours. I don't know if i got lost of what but it felt like the longest drive of my life. Getting to see my mom and Terin and Ridge was great. I love them and miss them tons. Ridge played great even though i honestly don't understand soccer. Mostly my mom and i yell run fast and get the ball. Those are about the two things we understand. But he did good and i was proud. I honestly think he was more excited to see the crunch bars i brought him so he could "Crunch" the other team and win then he was to see me! 

Mom treated me to some lunch and some shopping! Gotta love when mom buys! :] It was an all around great day. Seeing my family, enjoying the sunshine, and taking a little break from homework and school was sure nice.

Look at my cute little soccer player!

Love him! :]

I love my best friend!! 

The drive was definitely worth it to see these cute people! What a great day!

Family Pictures

We NEVER take family pictures. Ever. My mom hates being in pictures so it never happens. This year we were lucky enough to be seen twice in pictures with Mom! McKell took some super cute ones and then when Kyle got his senior pictures we had Emily snap a few cute ones too. Yep my family is a bunch of hotties!! :] I pretty much love them and miss them every day!

Sorry for all the pictures of myself... I just thought they turned out kinda cute! :]

Ya i think we look pretty cute together, and i kinda am partial and think that my family is best family a girl could have. I am so thankful for the temples and that families can be together forever. :] Couldn't imagine any life without these guys!


Today I Choose to Be Happy

I worry a lot. Most of the time the things i worry about are pointless and out of my control. My dad calls it the dang jack problem. He has some analogy about a man that breaks down at night and needs a jack but doesn't have one with him.  He sees a house a little ways ahead so he starts walking to it to see if they have a jack. The whole way there he gets so worked up thinking that they wont let him use one or will be mad he woke them up. As he gets to the house he is so worried that when they answer the door he yells "Fine i didn't want to dang jack anyways!" I HATE when my dad starts telling me this story because i know he is trying to tell me to quite worrying about the stupid little things. 

Coming to college i was worried about the little things. Roommates, classes, friends, and a whole lot more of other pointless little things. All these things are out of my control, and it does no good to stress about it. That is why i made my motto for this school year to choose each day to be happy. If all I'm worrying about is being happy, the other things will fall into place. Two of my most favorite quotes are about being happy. 

"If you're doing what's right, you're happy."
-Grandpa Bill

"In all living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."
-President Hinckley

I figure if two of my biggest role models in my life say to be happy, I better listen. I put these quotes in random places, my buletin board in my room, the dry erase board in my bathroom, slips of papers in my scriptures, just random spots i look every day. They remind me to be happy, to stop worrying about the things i can't control. 

So i have decided that...
Today I Choose to Be Happy


Technologically Handicapped

I am very technologically handicapped! I tried all day Friday to figure out my dang blog and couldn't get anything to work. I asked Kim if she could help me with it some time and she said no problem i love doing stuff like this. I forgot all about it and Saturday night when i went to visit she asked if i wanted to work on it. I hadn't even brought my laptop so i didn't think we would be able to do anything... WRONG! Kim pulled it up and took maybe five minutes to get everything all changed around!! How great is my best friend! I have no clue what i would do without her. And i don't just keep her around for the computer stuff! She's pretty much the best friend a girl could ask for!! And i just love my new blog! Thanks Kim, you're the Best!! :]


Best Day Ever

So today was a pretty good day! I got up a little late and didn't get as much sleep as i wanted but my day was going pretty good. As i was sitting in my Special Education class it suddenly got a whole ton better! I got a text message from Adam's sister, Bethanie, and she told me that if a random number called me that i should answer because Adam was going to be calling me from the airport. My heart started pounding and i started shaking! I couldn't believe he really would call me. I turned to Kim and i didn't know what to do since class was still going. She told me to just leave silly and she would get the notes and whatever else i needed so i could talk to him. Oh how i love my best friend!! I ran outside and answered the call, i couldn't believe i was actually talking to him. I pretty much was floating on cloud 9. It was so good to hear his voice and i was so happy to hear that he was doing so good. He was pretty excited to be heading out to Texas to finally be serving. Everyone was pretty surprised that i kept myself composed and didn't cry, i think i was so happy to be talking to him that i didn't have time to think about being sad! I was giddy all day. Its funny how a short little phone call can make your day so amazing. So proud of Adam and his choice to be serving a mission. Texas is sure lucky to have him!


USU: Round #2

I'm back in Logan!! Yippee!!
I love it here so much. As much as i loved being home this summer, it is so nice to be back here with my friends and my darling roommates.  As nerdy as this sounds i have missed school. I love school so much and i have missed going to class and doing homework! Logan is wonderful!

I was super nervous to come to school this year though. I wasn't going to be rooming with my best friend Brin since she transferred this summer to UVU boo :(. I loved the girls we were planning on rooming with but i had never lived with them and i was worried that they weren't going to like me and that i wasn't going to have any friends. I guess i worry lots but i was really nervous and my parents could tell. My dad gave me a fathers blessing the Sunday i left and it is amazing how powerful the priesthood is. Instantly all the doubts and fears and worries left me and i had a calm peaceful feeling wash over me and i knew it was going to be ok. I am so thankful for a worthy priesthood holder in my home.
I got to my apartment that night and my darling roommates had been txting me inviting me to things and they ran in to give me a hug. I was so excited for the year!! These first few weeks have been amazing!

The first Monday we went to FHE and after Chrissy wanted to go to the park to swing. We had so much fun but i looked really awkward trying to take a cool picture upside down swinging.

Oh how i have missed J Car! He came over to visit and i took him to go get a haircut and then after we went to the movie on old main hill. The first of last year was so fun and i have missed all the crazy things we used to do!!

I gave blood last year and passed out so i was super nervous to do it again. Kim and i decided we were going to try to donate this year so i was super careful to eat lots for breakfast and drink lots. It went way good and i saved three lives!!

I don't really understand football but going to the Aggie's games is definitely one of my favorite things to do! Its mostly just being there watching with everyone cheering our team on! We beat SUU 34 to 3 or something like that. Go Aggies!!

 The Brigham City open house was amazing! There is always a spirit when you are in a holy place with good people. The feeling inside was priceless. Being in there i just knew that someday i will be getting married inside a temple. It was so beautiful and peaceful and i can't wait for the day that i will be sealed to my husband for all eternity!! Karlie's family had tickets and had some extra ones for Kim and i to go with them. They are the cutest family and instantly i felt like i was part of the family!! Being there with my cute friends made me happy to have such good influences surrounding me. I hope that we will be friends for forever!!

We got there so early to the U of U vs. USU game and we were sooo excited! We got pretty good seats for not camping out all night. The game was so amazing and i had no voice from cheering so loud. I really don't get all the rules and all the flags of football but it was such a fun game since it was so close. We ended up winning in over time and we got to rush the field!! I love being an Aggie and all my cute friends that went with me!


Rushing the field!!

My cute wonderful roommate who i love so much!

 This Saturday my friends and i wanted to do something fun. We were sick of homework so we headed to Bear Lake to get some sun and relax. It was a fun drive and a fun day with all my darling friends. 
(Kim and i hang out almost every day and her darling roommates have become some of my best friends too! Micaille, Tara, and Lorelle and such cute girls and i love them so much. Tara's last year roommates Amanda and Jen came too and it was so much fun!!)

I loved the way the water made ripples in the sand!

We loved our Raspberry Shakes!! Even though they were HUGE!! :]

What a great few weeks of school and hopefully tons more to come!! :]


They are my everything

My family pretty much is the most important thing in my life. I love them more than anything and miss them like CRAZY when im gone. This summer we spent lots of time together and made so many good memories! Im so lucky to have a mom that is also my best friend. I thought leaving this year wasn't going to be as hard as last year, im already a pro at leaving home right? Wrong. It was so hard and i would be lying if i said i didn't cry at all. Mom just kept hugging me and we were both choked up even though we knew we would see each other in a week at Terin's baptism. its just so different when im gone. I love being at college and the experiences i am having here but i am definitely love being home with my family!

Oh how i miss this cute girl! The best birthday present i ever got was when mom brought her home on my 11th birthday. The biggest blessing in my life!

 Sometimes im not the nicest to Ridge, im not very patient with him, and i feel really bad. He's always the most excited to see me when i come home and wants to talk to me every time i call home. I do love this cute little guy and we have so much fun together. I really am working on being more patient and loving toward him because he really is amazing!


Fair week is always the best because it means it's close to me and Terin's birthday! We love to celebrate by eating the cotton candy!! One of my most favorite things to eat!

Oh how i love my cute mother!! :]

Dad and i have never been extremely close but i do love him and feel like we became closer this summer. He always has the best advice and sees every side of the situation, even if it isn't the side you want him to see. My dad is an amazing man and i hope someday i can find a husband as awesome as my dad is!!

I love little miss Zetta! She is a doll. Somehow we are related (maybe second cousins or something like that) but she is adorable!!

I love sharing a birthday weekend with this cute girl even if that means also sharing a dora the explorer cake! This year was a flower cake so thats a little better but i love her so much. It makes me so sad to see how fast she is growing up!!

This guy here is one of my best friends. We have a weird relationship. Even though hes a lot younger than me we do talk about almost everything. He is such a cute guy with an even cuter personality. I worry about him every day though, hoping hes making good decisions and having good friends. I love him so much and would do anything for him. Leaving him was really hard too, we did lots this summer and it feels weird when im not with him every day. 


First day of school pictures are my favorite!! This just about sums up my silly family! I love them so much!! :]

Terin turned 8 this August so she was able to be baptized on September 1st by our dad. What a great day that was. She asked me to speak on baptism and i asked her are you sure, you know i cry alot. Her response was thats ok your the best cryer i know, probably because you do it so much! Ha gotta love little kids bluntness!! Im so proud of her decision she made. I cried most when she was confirmed and leaned over to my mom and said im crying more than you and shes not even my kid, whats my problem!! She just laughed at me! I am very emotional, but i think it was because i felt the spirit so strongly. I am thankful to have a father that is a worthy priesthood leader who was also able to give us fathers blessings. That feeling of peace is wonderful and i am so blessed to have it in my life! 

Like i said, my family is my everything. So thankful to be stuck with them for forever!!