
Happy Hour!!

So here at college past 10:30 we all get a little crazy! I'm pretty sure its due to our lack of sleep but some could be due to the fact that we really are just crazy! 

Brin got a little bit sad and depressed last night when her red socks lost so she decided that she needed a little pick me up. (Secretly i love when she is depressed since i got out of having to run with her and i got ice cream out of it - which she said were not allowed to have on our new diet ha ya that wont happen!) Well after we start having a little sugar rush, things start getting a bit sketchy!! Look at what happens...

Yep were a bit crazy but i have to say... I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!


We Did It!!

So Brin thought she would be super woman and decide to run a 10K and that she would recruit me to do it with her! Do you realize that that is 6.2 miles!? Brin and i trained the night before by running a couple miles and then about dying! We were prepared for the worst to get last place... hence the picture below with the L for Last Place.

 We got our numbers, pinned them on and the next thing you hear is On Your Mark, Get Set, GO!!!

 We ended up finishing not in last place and actually running the whole thing!! Maybe next time we will train a little bit more ha!! :) I love running.



So basically i love surprises. Especially when they come like this...

This was left on my phone while doing laundry yesterday! Love these two, they are my most favorite people!!
Or a surprise like this left for you on your bed while you shower!!

So before dinner (which Brin and i defiantly did try to make tonight but Becca had to help a little bit since we are food stupid!!), Brin and i were talking about boys and how i kinda suck when it comes to boys ha!! Brin reassured me that i will never ever end up alone. I was about to say oh why thank you you are such a great best friend when she cut me off to say there are 6 billion cats out there just waiting for you!!! Ha ya i'm destined to end up with cats so i don't even need to be looking for boys! Look my rose and note is even from one of my billion cats (which secretly was Brin and Teague ha)! I love surprises!

P.S. Like five minutes after i posted this Brin and i went to take back the bread tins we borrowed to make banana bread and a random cat popped out and followed us. Yep im destined to end up with cats!

P.S.S. I guess if i don't end up with a cat i got this guy....

Yes he is naked!! (don't worry mom i didn't find this Kyler did.) I got this nice surprise left under my door last night from Kyler. At dinner we also talked about how boys are gross and they decided i still think guys have cooties and that my wedding night is going to be awkward. Well now that i have seen that picture i guess i am prepared for anything. I have learned soooo much here at college!!

What the French Toast!

So before school started i ordered some books online and they were supposed to ship to our apartment right before classes started. The first week of school came and went and ya no books anywhere. The mail man even came a few times to see if i had gotten them and that he swore he dropped them off, but none of us had seen anything. I ended up going to the bookstore and just buying new ones. A few days later Brin and i got real sick of our messy cupboards so we decided to clean them out and organize them. We needed to find a place to put our pasta so i opened the cupboard next to the fridge where we put nothing and dun dun dun dun.... a box!!?? huh!!!
The box was addressed to me and had already been opened!! I peeked inside and yep my books ha!! I couldn't decide to laugh or be upset but i ended up almost peeing my pants laughing since who would have thought my lost books would have ended up in the pasta cupboard. ha What a night!!

Yep there they are ha my lost books!!

Missin This.....

Even though we fought and argued on occasion and i wasn't home much last year due to sports, I miss my family like crazy! Look at those good lookin kids ha! I miss Kyle constantly reminding me how much better he is at things and having to be right. I miss pesting him to try and get a hug which we both knew would never happen. I miss how he was my really good friend and i could talk to him about a lot of things especially when i had a problem i knew he had my back! I miss seeing his stinkin face every day at school ha and bugging him in front of his friends. I miss Brit aka Luffa for all his funny comments! I miss him for telling me i look ok every day (even though he rarely looked ha). I miss our talks about everything!!!! Its weird how i could trust a 13 year old with everything and knew he would say exactly what i needed to hear. I miss his constant hugs and for telling me he loved me! Ridge, what a gem! I miss him for making me laugh. He was always doing something so random, how could you not laugh. I know i wasn't always the best big sister to him which i regret a ton being here at school but i really do love him. He always has time to talk to me here when everyone is busy and it makes my day probably even more than he realizes! He even mailed me a school picture and wrote me a note which i hate to admit i teared up a little bit. Terin, where do i even begin! I miss that darling little girl because no matter how nasty i looked or how grumpy i was she always loved me, and was constantly reminding me she does. Her sweet hugs or her pictures she draws and leaves at random places in the house. What a blessing my 11 year apart twin is.

Now this woman i cant even think about without tearing up. I miss my best friend right now. More than i ever thought i would. I miss our talks, i miss our laughs, i just miss her. She is such an example to me in everything and i hope i can grow up and be half as amazing as she is. Txting her all day and sporadic phone calls just aren't the same as being with her. She always knew what to say and do and how to make things better. Ha heck i even miss her food! I Love my mom more than anything and miss her like crazy!
Look how cute we are ha!!! :)
 Now this man i miss terribly too. I miss being silly with him, i miss our deep talks about life, i miss his advice even when i don't always listen. I miss how he would make me take a step back and think about things, he always calmed me down. I miss his hugs and having to say i love my daddy if i was being grumpy. I miss going to the taco truck with him. I just miss my daddy.

Even when he tried to look mean and grumpy, we all knew he was a big teddy bear that wouldn't hurt a fly!!

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE college. I love the experience, the people, the fun times, and the life lessons i have learned. I am just having a pity party for myself right now i think ha. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything and know i am supposed to be here but sometimes i just get a little homesick and miss my family. I know they will always be there for me and that is something i am so thankful for. My family is everything to me!


I think I'm in love...

Have you ever been to a hockey game!? Well if not you are missing out on the most amazing thing in the whole entire world. Basically its guys skating around pushing, shoving, and hitting each other quite hard with an occasional fight here and there. I loved when one guy had the puck and was skating real fast trying to score and then a guy from the other team came to get it from him and they would smoosh into the glass wall right in front of you! It was like a human sandwich!! Oh the other thing i loved was our goalie! I don't even know who he is or what he looks like but he was amazing! Pucks were flying around left and right, but don't worry that's no match for the Utah States goalie!! I also found out you do NOT mess with the goalie! One guy tried shoving him to pick a fight. ha ya right that doesn't fly. Three other guys from USU started skating real fast and practically pounced on the guy inside the goal. The goal tumbled over and here lay a huge mound of hockey players inside fighting!! It was sooo cool!!! The refs had to break it up and put a lot of guys in the box but that probably was my favorite part!! Also i learned that since its ice hockey and the rink is cold, the people sitting outside of it watching get quite cold as well. We didn't quite realize that as we were getting ready and kinda froze our buns off! Oh well it was worth it! Next time we will just be a little more prepared.

Ya see not the best choice in outfits  for a hockey game but we sure looked cute!!

We Love Hockey!!!


One month down...

So before i left my dad told me i needed to keep a journal of all my fun adventures at college. Well i have officially been here a month as of yesterday and, ya, haven't even opened my journal once. I'm not even sure i know where it is. Brin is always typing away in here room and i found out she has been blogging. Last night at like midnight she helped me get my own! I'm quite excited actually ha, and even in the shower last night i was thinking of things i could say on my blog. Brin is defiantly wearing off on me! I am SO glad i have such great roommates here. i don't know what i would do without them. Here are a few of the adventures we have had from the first month being here...

So here are my roommates... they are all real beauts!! I love them all and am so lucky that none of them are crazies like Brin and i were worried about before we moved down.

On one of the first days here, Bridget was having a bad day so we decided to go to the mall and try some shopping to cheer her up. In one of the stores there was a Justin Beiber cut out and of course we had to pose next to it!!

You see this cake.... Kyler went to a wedding and there was six cakes left over and of course, she brought one home for us.  For a few weeks people would come over and she would start handing out forks so people would eat our stupid cake. Ya Brin and i eventually snuck and threw it away so no more cake.

So week of welcome was an adventure. There was tons of activities going on all the time. One of them was the blood battle which is just a fancy way of donating blood. Mark talked me into it and before i knew it i was on the little chair with my feet up giving blood! I hadn't had much to eat and before i knew it i was on the floor passed out with a guy in my face shaking me trying to wake me up! I survived but i defiantly think I'm a little guy shy to give blood again.

Another activity that went down was the 80's dance. Brin and i went to the DI and found some mcnasty outfits to be some rad 80 girls. Kyler even volunteered to do out makeup since Brin and i aren't to good at doing it on our own!

 Lets just say the getting dressed up part was alot more fun then the dance!

 Ya i ate that!! I went on a date with Steven Kirk to go get sushi! I managed to keep it all down even though i did almost loose it once. Defiantly an experience.

 So we really really tried to be good girls and go to institute and be on time and everything. Brin went an hour or so before to work out with Mark so Ky and i were just home waiting for her to get done. I got a phone call from Brin that she had gotten lost walking down the hill (even though it was just a straight walk down! who knows ha) and needed us to come get her. Ky jumped in her car and we went to get Brin making us a little late. We finished institute and came back to her car only to find a little surprise...

Ya we got a boot! Boo :( Ha what a night.


   Our first Aggie Football game!!

So Brin and i are a bit inseparable... we do our laundry together and then fold it in each others room to be next to each other, we do homework together, and we even leave notes to each other in our bathroom! We went to Walmart to specifically buy a board so we could write to each other.Were a bit creepy, ha like a married couple that cant leave each others side.

This is our Thursday night Fugitive game. We dont mess around here, we mean business! We got all dressed up in black and painted our faces black and everything. We ran through some back alley ways and of course, our crew won even us girls in flip flops! Go old farm 1C!!


Homecoming week has been a blast, lots of random activities going on every night. One was the paint dance on the hyper. There were so many people i thought i was going to die i was getting so claustrophobic. I made it through though and even ended up with a pretty sweet shirt! My shower that night was a lot longer than usual getting all the nasty paint out of my hair but it was defiantly worth it!

Brin turned 19 her second week here. We wanted to do something real nice so we went to Angie's to clean the sink. That is where they bring you a sink full of ice cream and you have to eat the whole thing. This defiantly wasn't a challenge when you bring a bunch of boys with you! We sure love our ice cream!!

 We also went to Texas Roadhouse the day after for her
birthday dinner.

What nice friends we are, we even made her ride the saddle!!!

For a creative arts class which im not taking but everyone else is they had to go to a play. I ended up tagging along and guess what play it was... Romeo and Juliet all male cast. Ya it kinda got sketchy when Juliet (who was a guy) started kissing Rome (which was also a guy!) Ya kinda weird!! Love gay plays!

Well here is Brin and i hanging out the top of Mark's sunroof (don't worry mom the car isn't moving!!) I sure love my best friend!! Glad i sleep right across from this crazy lady!!!

Well these are just a few of the crazy times we have had here in Logan! Can't wait for the next adventure to come along! Knowing us it will be pretty soon!